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Court Record Verification

Searches Criminal & Civil court records, Judgments, Dispositions, Pending and Dismissed cases, Lawsuits, Filing dates, Closing dates, Filing types, Case Numbers, Party Names, Case Summaries, Charges and Attorney Names as available, bankruptcies and other court dockets. You can even find if a case has been filed with the court within 1 to 4 business days. Search includes multiple criminal record sources such as State dockets, Federal & Appellate court dockets, Supreme Court dockets, County court dockets, sex offender registries, department of corrections, municipal jurisdictions, federal fugitive files, small claims courts, federal courts, state courts, supreme courts, district courts, family courts, appeals courts, traffic courts in states available, state and county criminal record repositories, prison parole and release files, probation records, records from other state agencies and Interpol public records. The Indian judicial system has courts at three levels –

1. Magistrate Court

2. Session Courts

3. Regional/State (High Courts)

4. National (Supreme Court)

A court record check includes checking for:

1. Court judgments

2. Criminal investigations

3. Databases covering terrorists

4. Most wanted criminals

5. Members of parties

6. Groups that are on watch

7. Financial frauds

8. Misconduct


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