Criminal record verification ensures that some additional facts, information and background data on an individual come to the forefront allowing the person to make an informed decision. This verification entails checking a person's criminal history to assess his or her trustworthiness. In most cases, the verification lists all non-expunged criminal offenses. This is also termed as Police Check
Criminal verification in India is one of the most difficult verification in the world. There is big difference between US system & Indian system. There are no Felony or Misdemeanor courts in India like US instead we have Police Departments of various States and metros.
Each State has its own system of functioning. Moreover, two police officers of the same State may be having different views. There are no computerized databases to be searched as almost all the records are filed manually. We have to identify the concerned and correct Police Station of the area of residence. If a person has resided at different addresses in the same city, we will have to request separate searches as per concerned Police Station identified by given addresses. Police Stations are not equipped with Fax machines thus it takes time to get a reply from a Police Station.
Trusted Support Services Private Limited has vast experience in Criminal check. You have to provide correct and full name and address of the applicant, date of birth, full name of father/spouse, and an ID proof for criminal verification
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