Address verification in India is VERY important because it establishes one important aspect of a potential employee’s identity. Have no doubts that there are people who want to grab a job by hook or by crook. Especially those with backgrounds of disreputable addresses will try to hide their past by assuming another address to create a brand new identity. They often get away with it, due to the slipshod methods of address history verification. An address verification check will ensure that only the right employees walk in through your door.
We undertake physical address verification of candidate’s current or permanent address in a cost-effective process. Now, you might ask, what does the address verification process entail? At Trusted Support Services Private Limited, the given address is visited by our verification staff to determine whether the candidate has actually lived there. The address verification procedure will also expose others who have lived at the same address, as well as throw light on the candidate’s earlier addresses. Any aliases used by the prospective employee can also be revealed through the physical address verification. Plus, it helps to collate information on and from relatives, roommates and neighbor. During the course of the address verification in India we also collect information on and contact people known to the candidates. Address verification in India is required not just for employees but is also useful in vendor assessment. If there is a disparity in the address details provided by the candidate/ vendor and the data collected, your doubts can be cleared by running complete background verification.
Pre-employment address verification in India addresses your concerns regarding the credentials of the applicant and ensures that no fictional address or false claims of identity can get past you. 15% of candidates found giving the incorrect previous address details as per survey
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